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Data Types

Before You Begin

If you are new to YAML, we recommend that you watch a tutorial to learn the basics of YAML before using YAMLCord.

We recommend you to watch this tutorial:

Data types are a way to differentiate the data we have by its type.

In this page will give a quick overview of the data types used in YAMLCord.

Basic Data Types

Text Strings (String)

The string type is a data type that represents a sequence of characters such as letters, numbers and symbols.

String Representation in YAML

content: "This is a one-line string"
# To make texts with line breaks, you can use "|-"
# When you make line breaks, you do not need to use double quotes
# If you include double quotes, they will be part of the text

content: |-
  This is a string
  with line breaks

Numbers (Number)

The number type is a data type that represents any numeric value. Numbers can be integers or decimals.

Number Representation in YAML

stock: 10 # Integers
price: 3.99 # Decimal Numbers (With decimal point)

Booleans (Boolean)

The boolean type is a data type that represents whether a value is true or false. Boolean values are true or false.

Boolean Representation in YAML

is_enabled: true
use_index: false

Lists (Array)

The array type is a data type that represents a list of values. In YAML, there are two ways to represent a list.

Array Representation in YAML

# This type of array can be useful for storing single-line elements
# Elements are separated by a comma
# Can be useful for storing simple elements

numbers: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# This type of array can be useful for storing multiple line elements
# Elements are defined with a "-" at the beginning and separated by a new line
# Can be useful for storing complex elements

  - person:
      name: "John Doe"
      age: 30
  - person:
      name: "Jane Doe"
      age: 25

Data Types

The elements can be of any data type.

Objects (Object)

The object type is a data type that represents a set of key-value pairs.

Set of key-value pairs

# Key name is "key" (string)
# Key value is "value" (string)

key: value

Data Types

The name of the keys are usually of type string, while the values can be of any data type.

Pairs are defined using : to separate keys from values, and each pair is separated by a new line.

Object Representation in YAML

  name: "John Doe"
  age: 30

Keys must be unique and cannot be duplicated within the same parent.

Parent-Child Hierarchy

  content: "Content 1" # Child of "parent_object"
  content: "Content 2" # Child of "parent_object" [Duplicate Key in the same Parent]
  content: "Content 1" # Child of "parent_object"

  sub_parent_object: # Child of "parent_object"
    content: "Contenido 2" # Child of "sub_parent_object"


YAML structures can be nested to create more complex structures. This is achieved through the use of indentation.


YAML is sensitive to indentation, which is used to define the hierarchy of elements.

Nesting Example

  name: "John Doe"
  age: 30
  is_underage: false
  hobbies: ["Reading", "Programming", "Athletics"]
  active_worker: true
    name: "FancyStudio"
    location: "Anytown, Spain"
    workers: 2
    - name: "Dylan"
      age: 12
      is_underage: true
    - name: "Isabella"
      age: 19
      is_underage: false